A downloadable game for Windows


This document is property of The Anomalous Research Organization, Lumen Branch.

This document is not to be read by anyone who doesn't have a clearance level of 5 or above.

    Entity ID: #234

    Date Acquired: 28/04/2064

    Previous Test Dates: 02/05/2064 | 24/09/2064 | 11/12/2064 | 05/03/2065

    Sentience Grade: B

    Entity Count: 106 #234s in possession

Physical Description

The entity is a black floating ball, with a diameter of roughly 44cm and a circumference of roughly 138cm. Desipite this size, the entity feels weightless when held.

The body of the entity produces a visible aura around it, appearing in varius shades of gray. Physical contact with the aura shows no effects.


The entity shows extreme reactions to light, doing everything it possibly can to avoid it. When forcibly exposed to light, the entity lets out a "knocking sound", this is currently assumed to be an indication of pain, similar to how humans scream.

Once exposed to enough light, the entity seems to undergo self destruction. The physical body dissolves within a second, leaving no traces behind.

There is to be a test on 26/04/2065, this will double as exposure therapy for #234.

All 106 entities can and will be used.


The Orb Game.zip 180 MB

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